Emplacement Society is an open collective of curious and creative people taking trips together outside. Anyone is welcome to join!
1. a structure on or in which something is firmly placed.
2. (geology) the process or state of setting something in place or being set in place.
The Emplacement Society associates with the molten igneous rock that intrudes into bedrock, cools, and waits to be uncovered. In a tribute to slow time, it is an open ended project that exists to matter thoughts and excitement, physicalize questions and curiosity, and connect with other bodies. It aspires to encompass trips in the backcountry as well as walking trips close to home, workshops, conversations, shared meals, research, imagined procedures, writings, radical teaching and learning, and collaborative wayfinding. As much as we can, we prioritize creating a shared experience for each other without aestheticization. Together, we are feeling out both the processes and states of being set in place.
Our trips begin with a proposal: a place, and a framework for how we might think about and experience that place. Each inquiry is pitched and organized by a leader or guide, and from there, all participants play an active role in shaping the trip. We collect “artifacts” from the group both before and after an excursion - readings, recordings, videos, questions and/or objects - that form a collective basket of knowledge we carry into the experience. On the trips, we push each other to explore embodied ways of learning, creating prompts for each other to experiment with connecting to different aspects of the place or journey through our bodies and senses. We allow time for rest and reflection together and alone and plenty of unstructured space to see what emerges.
Anyone who has an idea, feeling, question, or place they are interested in exploring in motion, with others, is enthusiastically invited to propose a trip. Emplacement Society is here to help facilitate planning, logistics, and spirited inquiry. We also lead periodic backpacking skill-sharing workshops and overnights to empower people to feel comfortable walking and sleeping outside. Join our email list for more information!